Love Spoken Here
Service Times
Sundays 10:00 am
Fellowship 9 am

First United Methodist Church  |  195 Huntsville Rd., Eureka Springs, AR 72632  | Reconciling Congregation/Non-discriminatory | P#:479-253-8987  |  Contact Us
The Wings of a Christian
by which we fly
​HOPE--the story of the Apostle Paul
9th of February 2025

Paul is an interesting character. He was not popular in his day, and even his own churches thought him a bit suspect compared to the 'Super Apostles'. He is, however, a tireless worker, never allowing the vicissitudes of life to drag him down. Despite a lifetime of hardships and setbacks, Paul never wavered in his belief in hope. Maybe this is a story we need to hear. 
Worship begins at 10 AM, but the choir practices at 8:30 and we host a fellowship gathering with coffee, hot chocolate, and treats from 9 AM onwards. Come sit in the Narthex with us as we catch up with each other's lives before service begins.
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Join us for community and conversation, an informal meet and greet in the narthex an hour before service begins. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and sodas are available for free as well as baked goods. Of course if you would like to sign up to bring baked goods click on the link to the left. All starts at 9 AM.